
Healthcare Jobs in Clinical Research

When it comes to jobs in healthcare, working in the field of clinical research can be exciting and rewarding. There are many different opportunities available in the healthcare job field. If y […]



Excellent infrastructure and site quality that attracts global clinical trials to Korea

The rising presence of clinical trials (CT) in the Asia-Pacific region is predominantly driven by the East Asian region which includes China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Over the past decade, Korea has become a global clinical trial hub and is one of the leading clinical trial destinations in the Asian region; with approximately […]



The electronic CTN form (eCTN)

In Australia, The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is responsible for the regulation of therapeutic goods (TG) – including medicines, vaccines, medical devices, in-vitro diagnostics and biologicals. They provide oversight over manufacturing, import and export of therapeutic goods, clinical trials (CT) and regulatory approvals processes. Australia is well known for its efficient CT start up timelines; […]



Diabetes warning signs even healthy women needs to heed

If you haven’t thought about diabetes before, it is time to stop and think for a minute. Why, you might ask? The World Health Organization’s figures from last year estimate over 350 million people worldwide have diabetes. The emerging epidemic is attributed to the rapid increases in overweight, obese and physically inactive individuals. Diabetes is […]



Investigator networks cultivated through risk-factor trials, drives data diversity in dementia research

Extensive investigator networks, cultivated over the course of some of the world’s largest clinical trials into the risk factors for dementia, presents an exciting opportunity for the future o […]



Cluster Randomized Trials – a HeadPost study

The concept of grouping subjects for randomization is called cluster randomized trials (CRT) – this concept is becoming increasingly common when randomizing large groups. However, when CRTs involve interventions at a cluster level, informed consent from participants may not always be possible to obtain. As informed consent is a fundamental ethical requirement for clinical trials, […]



Cross Collaboration with CRO and Phase I Unit

A Phase I study is the first time a new drug or treatment procedure is tested in-humans. The purpose of this phase is to determine the metabolism and pharmacologic actions of the drug in-human […]



Clinical Trials for Rotavirus are Critical in Emerging Countries

On a global scale, rotavirus causes over 500,000 deaths in children per year, particularly in emerging countries. Rotavirus is a contagious virus that can cause inflammation of the stomach and […]



Benefits that electronic health records bring to a Healthcare facility

Either because of financial, legal or operational reasons, many companies including those in healthcare, are still stuck in the paper world when it comes to data and document management. Now that technology has become so much more advanced, switching to electronic health data format has a slew of advantages and benefits that can’t and shouldn’t […]



Clinical Research: Air Pollution and COPD – Is there a connection?

You likely have heard of COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, as it is the 3rd most frequent cause of death in the world. This is an area of focus of our research because as prominent as this disease is, the cause of the disease in a large percentage of patients remains unknown. Diagnosis is […]



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